The Story of “Lee Jae-i” - Human Map Project
Lee Jae-i is an eighteen-year-old aspiring hair stylist who studies hair styling in college in Korea. She has two parents and a younger brother, whose father is from Pakistan, and whose mother is from Korea. She decided to study hair styling early in her life because she felt she was the happiest and fullest when designing other people’s beauty, such as cosmetics and hairstyling. She did not accept the traditional educational pathway in Korea and found a vocational path that suited her dream and career.
Lee Jae-i affirms that at this point in her life, she is trying to grow and evaluate her potential as a potent and competent hair styler. She loves the art and hair styling courses in her college and tries to experiment with her ideas and intuitions as much as possible. Although she is uncertain about her future, she does not lose a positive attitude in her life, working part-time in convenience stores and restaurants. When asked about mental health questions, she pointed out that rather than focusing on the bad past or negative side, maintaining a positive lookout, enjoying the moment, and experimenting with ideas is better for people to keep their minds fresh and ready.
Lee Jae-i confessed that one of the reasons she dropped out of high school was because of the subtle yet ever-present social pressure from peers and what she thought was the meaningless and empty curriculum. She said that in that microcosm of the classroom, she did not feel anything that made her feel belonged or drove her passion. At that moment, rather than waiting for the tide to flush her to the ocean of never-ending and monotonous study and work culture, she decided to start something on her own, and that little confidence in herself was something that changed everything a meaningful and positive challenge to overcome. That is how her pursuit of her dream enabled her to maintain a positive lookout, enjoy the moment, and experiment with ideas that are better for people to keep their minds fresh and ready.
In conclusion, Lee Jae-i believes that a true and meaningful life starts by following one’s passions. By going on a journey and challenge that truly inspires, one can achieve positive look out and enjoy each and every moment. By focusing on these things, one can overcome dwelling too much on negativity or an unsatisfactory past. This is what she believes is a healthy life at least in her twenties.