The Story of “Jeremey Yan” - Human Map Project
Jeremey Yan is a sixteen-year-old Chinese high school student who loves music, photography, and DIY electronic projects. He has two parents and a sister and grew up in a Chinese family with a Christian background. He is attending an international school in Qingdao for his secondary education. With his American background, his personality mixes Western and Chinese cultures, showing openness and activity when encountering his favorite or curious topics.
The picture of this individual are covered anonymously by AI.
To Jeremey, family is the most important thing in his life, as it is the ultimate source of his happiness, success, and comfort. He puts his trust and meaning in his family because no matter what, his family will always be there to love and support him. Since Jeremey experienced from his people that love is fundamental to human beings, it is a huge blessing to him that there is a family that he can love and care for. Such belief and confirmation make him feel psychologically stable and grateful for everything that he has in his life.
Moreover, Jeremey has his way of casting off negative energy by recognizing that he is far more valuable than whatever the negative incident gets into him. After all, every incident that he has gone through contributed to the formation of his current identity whether it be from a pleasant experience or a hard lesson, who with other choices could have been a completely different person. Therefore, Jeremey believes that he already has everything that enables him to enjoy and endure the journey of his life if and only if he remains genuine and passionate about himself.
In conclusion, Jeremey derives his sense of meaning from genuine interaction with family, deep faith, humble prayers in Christianity, and knowing how to value himself as a worthy individual. He knows how to savor the blessings of the people around him, be humble in the face of greater order and authority, and his value as a sound and worthy individual. However, as Jeremey is a teenager growing to navigate the world further, he notes that there are still plenty of things in his life that he does not know of. Nevertheless, thanks to his strong roots in his relationship and belief, he is destined to resolve the uncertainty of life with safeguard protection thereof.